All people have BIG DREAM ahead. A life where there is no problem with financial. I believe everyone can success & see the beauty of living. but the problem is many people lack of confident to their ability to success. Which force them to stay in their comfort zone & DOWNSIZE their dream with their living standard.
In the end, people are SURVIVING in their life & not ENJOYING with their life.
To change your life, 1st step to do is telling yourself that"I CAN DO IT". Which is BELIEVE in yourself.
In this blog, I will share about TIPS and NOTES on how to succeed in life, especially to those who living in Sabah, Malaysia. There are too many ways to succeed, but what is most important is the ATTITUDE = MENTALITY. I believe the "99% attitude and 1% way" to succeed. Hopefully this blog can provide some benefit for you to start a career and become successful in life.