
LIVEXTRA - Penemuan CEMERLANG kepada Jangka Hayat yang LEBIH PANJANG!!

LiveXtra - is the solution for SALURAN DARAH TERSUMBAT, TEKANAN DARAH TINGGI, STROKE dan juga untuk minor health - sesak nafas, peredaran jantung yg lemah, sakit kepala, kekejangan, libido rendah and many more deceased. It is because:

LiveXtra is one of the best health supplement food ever created specially formulated to boost Nitric Oxide (NO) in our body. Its formulation is specially made to ensure the releases of Nitric Oxide gas occur inside of our body.

LiveXtra is formulated based on Dr Ferid Murad’s NOBEL PRIZE Winning discovery. Its ingredients contain L-Arginine, Multiblend of Vitamins (Vitamin E, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, Folic Acid and Probiotic Co Q-10).

What is the BENEFITS of LiveXtra to our Blood vessels, Heart and Blood.

L-Arginine in LiveXtra provides the much needed crucial substance for the production of Nitric Oxide in our blood vessel. Nitric Oxide is one of the most potent vessel relaxant that helps make blood vessels maintain its flexible and elasticity to allow smooth blood flow in our body carrying all essential nutrients and oxygen supply to our body's cells. Nitric Oxide exist in only a fraction of a seconds and it's crucial for it to be absorb into the blood vein before it vanished.

Livextra can help enhance cellular energy and activities, and protects it against free radical damage.

With Livextra, the lipids, cholesterol and homocysteine in the blood that caused blood thickening can be reduced or minimised. LiveXtra also acts as a powerful antioxidant in reducing free radical damages to our body's blood vessels.

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